Monday, 7 April 2008

The latest news on what we're up to...

On Sunday we convened. Work on the second album has been rather slow, but this is largely because we don't have the backlog of songs to record that we did for the debut. Current songs in the pipeline are 'Single Boy', a pop song that was formerly the seven-verse epic called 'Spencer Must Die', relating to the trials and tribulations of John Bellingham, the assassin of Prime Minister Spencer Perceval. When it was realised that the riff was becoming really rather poppy, the idea of a seven verse epic was ditched in favour of 'pop' lyrics about boys and girls and relationships and suchlike. 'Single Boy' currently lacks a bridge. For the fact fans amongst you, before 'Spencer Must Die' received its lyrics and title, it was formerly called 'In Another World', I think.

Also being worked on is 'Imelda Marcos', which still has its working title. Its lyrics are culled from a song called 'Prison' that I completed for the 'Tom Rakewell and the Sound Investment' 24-hour album project with The Generalissimos, Band(ism) and Air Cav last year. Expect further re-emergences of my better lyrical contributions to this at some point. 'Imelda Marcos' lacks a chorus.

FLA Records head honcho Woon required a minute long track for a crazy FLA-project he's currently working on. We started working on it a couple of weeks ago, using one of Thom's endless supply of riffs. Verse, verse, chorus, verse, chorus, fade. All very adequate for a minute, really. We speeded it up as much as feasibly possible and lyrics eventually happened. It was going to be about Ertu Fruel Osman, a man in his 90s who is, effectively, the last Roman Emperor. In the end it became about something much odder. Ertu can wait for another day. The song eventually became "Hey! Hey! I'm The Queen", retitled by Thom to 'Windsor Up-Lift'. It's pretty much completed now and will be on an FLA release sometime soon.

There's also another track that is currently without a title (unless you count the title of the song that we've ripped it clean off from). This is a good, exciting track that will sound great live when we've got it finished. Currently lacking some music and all of its lyrics.

For further purposes of completion, if you're still seeking out new Ruffian songs, then try to dig out the other stuff we've released since 'My Secret Life', there's 'My Secret Life' itself (B-Side of the Music vs. Money 7"), Hip to be Square (Huey Lewis and the News cover, available on FLA's 1987-2007 compilation - and also on Youtube), Hot Patootie (Rocky Horror Picture Show cover, also on an FLA record), It's A Long Lonely Christmas Without Jimmy Greenhoff (from Cherryade Records' Christmas Compilation, and also on youtube), and Feliz Navidad (recorded for FLA's Christmas compilation, and featuring vocals from Band(ism)'s Robin Nature Bold). There's also a cover of Public Image Ltd. out there somewhere that'll probably see the light of day someday...

Happy hunting!

Stephen R x

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