Wednesday, 23 April 2008

Filthy Successes / iTunes

Thank you all for attending the Filthy Little Clubnight on Friday.  It was a fun gig and many thanks to Town Bike, Awesome Wells and Star Fighter Pilot for putting on such good shows.  Special notice goes to the drummers who laboured on valiantly despite there being significant parts of the kit missing.  Our drum machine also coped wonderfully under the circumstances!  There are photos on our Facebook (add the user "Billy Ruffian" - yes, they think we are a person) so you should go and tag yourself if you are there. I'll link it at a later date.

In other news, I don't think we mentioned it here, but we've been up on iTunes for about 3 weeks now. You can buy the entirety of My Secret Life in one go or in discrete, track length, 79p packages.  I think there's a way to link to an iTunes band page but again, I'll have to link it at a later date.  The rest of our hits can be obtained gratis from and, so go there and do that if you have not already.

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