Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Raging against the Light

Hello people, this is Ben Paul Ruffian here.  I noticed that we've not written anything on this page for an age so I thought I'd change that.  Tonight Billy Ruffian play Sheffield at DnR (formerly Under the Boardwalk (formerly The Point)).  You should come.  It'll be immense.  It's the first Ruffian visit to the other side of the Pennines since I've been a member so I'm looking forward to the different air and the different people.

Since history is the tale of the victors I can now say that we played triumphantly to some people bowling at Bloomsbury lanes in London.  One of whom was a cutely tressed Kate Nash, so we whored a promo cd to her and added her myspace.  We're looking forward to being invited as her tour support but for some reason the email hasn't arrived yet.  It must be some problem with the mailserver being on strike or something.

Then we played Manchester at the Castle Hotel and what a glorious night it was.  I had found the batteries to my Big Muff and so the sound that the bass was making can only be described as unholy.  (My Girlfriend is Like a) Trojan Horse ended with Ste pounding a snare drum that he found with a microphone and me seeing what my bass would sound like with my pedals turned up to full.  I'm sure Thom was doing something exciting too but I was enjoying myself too much to notice.

I still haven't finished updating Billy Ruffian Web, but when it's done it will be great and I'll announce that too.  Now it's time for Thom to write something irreverent or irrelevant.  One of the two.

Take care, Ben Paul

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