Monday, 25 June 2007

Acoustic Ruffian Prevails

We played, we were a bit rubbish but I feel we are better men for the experience. I felt that the happening needed to be noted. I'm not really sure why. No doubt Thom and Ste can flesh out the bones a little but suffice to say, I don't think that Billy Ruffian Acoustic should happen again for a long time! If we didn't have Wednesday's triumphal home leg of the Filthy Little Angels Summer Tour to keep me going I might be a little down now.

Ballad of Billy Ruffian worked out alright - so much so that I think it's going to be in the set on Wednesday but we'll see how it sounds in rehearsal with the drums just to be on the safe side. So thank you to everyone that came and witnessed the experiment. Honest appraisal can be added in the comments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Apparently this was the first gig where we've come across as being nice people; show a flaw, and the crowd will love you.

I enjoyed it being a bit ramshackle. Its unfortunate that Steve's absence deprived us of all our melody.

I don't think we'll be getting that call from MTV Unplugged just yet, anyway.