Friday, 27 June 2008

At Last! Billy Ruffian Played on National Radio!

Ste's audacious decision to make a song which was only relevant for 5 days has paid off. This morning we were played on National Radio. That's right, the Big British Castle endorses Billy Ruffian.  This morning at the prime time slot of 8:30, for a whole 15 seconds, the country was treated to the end of verse and a bit of the chorus of "The Most Unlikely Civil Liberties Defender of All". Hear it here:

Monday, 23 June 2008

Politics, Masterminds and ADD

Ste has decided to begin the week on a political bent and has made a video to his song about how ridiculous he thinks Conservative Politician David Davis is. It has the succinct title of 'The Most Unlikely Civil Liberties Defender of All'.  Already it has been deemed "awful" by someone called Bill and Jingouk has declared "it couldn't have be sung better".  Everyone is a critic. See his handiwork and make your own mind up by clicking here:

On the positive side, at least it knocks the Thomas the Tank Engine tribute video off the top of YouTube search results page for the search query "Billy Ruffian".

Hopefully, in the coming weeks we should have some other new material seeping out. will be presenting 'Masterminding My Downfall' as a free to download single.  This, as I'm sure you'll be aware is taken from the album "My Secret Life" but it is to be backed with 2 new songs, 'Debtor's Lament' which is Billy Ruffian's most Fallesque, noisy-disco, synth and guitar workout and 'Twenty-Eighth Day' which is a more reflective song about a man going a bit wrong.  It narrowly avoided being called 'On the Nature of Being Shipwrecked' if that gives you some idea of the deeper subject matter.

We're still waiting with for a release date of the Just a Minute 7" compilation from Filthy Little Angels which features our new song 'The Windsor Uplift'.  Hopefully this will happen soon as we're quire proud of it.  The compilation should be fairly exciting all around really as I hate long songs so a whole slew of 1 minute tracks will be great for my ADD brain.  I've already heard the New Royal Family's and Starfighterpilot's and obviously ours so I reckon it's shaping up to a rather impressive selection.  We'll let you know more about it when we know more ourselves.